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EESC calls for action as civil society organisations struggle to operate in an increasingly unfriendly Europe  –  Az Európai Gazdasági és Szociális Bizottság (EGSZB) fellépést sürget, mivel a civil szervezetek egyre nehezebben tudnak működni egy egyre barátságtalanabb Európában

EESC calls for action as civil society organisations struggle to operate in an increasingly unfriendly Europe – Az Európai Gazdasági és Szociális Bizottság (EGSZB) fellépést sürget, mivel a civil szervezetek egyre nehezebben tudnak működni egy egyre barátságtalanabb Európában

EESC calls for action as civil society organizations struggle to operate in an increasingly unfriendly Europe The EESC recommends measures against EU countries with authoritarian governments and proposes to have undemocratic political parties excluded from the European Parliament The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has taken a strong stance against increasing attempts to undermine … Continue reading


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European Integration will be forced and contributed in crises. (Jean Monnet)

Already a billion of us go to bed hungry every night. Not because there isn’t enough, but because of the deep injustice in the way the system works. (Oxfam)

Challenging goal for our generations to create a better, more equal, sustainable, strongly united, economically and socially prospering multicultural Europe and world.

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